


Financial Accounting is a pre-requisite for sound management of business and non -profit oriented organizations. Lack of accounting efficiency has led to irregularities in the financial administration of both public and private institutions in the country. The improvement in accountancy education, besides moral and ethical training, has in a significant way improved the efficient operations of the economic sector of the country’s development in recent years. The rapid increases in the number of institutions as well as the general expansion in business activities in Ghana have increased the demand for accounting personnel at all levels. This has made accountancy education assume high priority in the human resource development program of the country.

Accountancy education leads to improvement in students’ numeracy skills and further provides them with background skills for future business studies. Accountancy offers ready employment to students who do well in the subject, thus offering them life- long enriching careers such as accountant, auditor, banker, financial analyst, tax consultant, management consultant, accounting lecturers/ teachers etc. This syllabus contains enough accountancy knowledge and skills for Senior High School students for purposes of their end- of-course examination. The syllabus also prepares students towards future career paths in accounting related vocations as well as providing them adequate foundation for pursuing higher professional and academic courses in accounting.



A Business enterprise is an organization for managing resources to satisfy human needs and wants. A healthy economy and an improved standard of living depend on efficient and purposeful management of resources for the production of goods and services. Without an efficient management system, no organization can achieve any meaningful growth to be able to contribute financially and socially to its owner(s), staff and to the nation in general. One of the major goals of Ghana’s economic development is to improve the management capability towards the improvement of the standard of living of its people.

This course in business management will help to develop a business management culture, which is vital for promoting economic development. It is also intended to acquaint students with knowledge of principles and procedures in business, and skills that are necessary for a successful business career. The course will further lead to the acquisition of attitudes that are necessary for success in modern business practice.



Economics is a core class that is taken across all disciplines and is taken all four years. In the first year, this course will cover the basic economic concepts as well as focus on students gaining a knowledge on demand and the pattern it follows considering price, quantity demanded and other related factors. Major topics include the concepts of economics, scope of economic activity, tools of economic analysis, factors of production, population, business organizations, economic systems and their functions, unemployment and underemployment and theory of demand. During the second year, students will concentrate on the price theory of supply, prices of factors of production, theory of production, the theory of cost, theory of the firm, how to distribute, and the theory of consumer behavior as well as national income. At the end of this year students would have fair knowledge on things to consider in production. In the third year, more light will be thrown on the concept of national income as well as the concept of economic growth and development, agriculture, industrialization, stability of income and employment, international trade and economic development, economic co-operation, money and banking and public finance. At the end of this year students will have gained knowledge on activities that promote economic development, growth and stability. In the final year, the curriculum is based on economic development planning and contemporary economic issues. At the end of the four-year curriculum students would have acquire the relevant knowledge needed to be deemed proficient in Senior High School economics.



Within form 2, students will undertake this project while learning units 1 through 3. This project will be focused on understanding how a business operates, monitoring its expenses and activities. Students will brainstorm ways in which these expenses can be reduced by employing simple business methods such as collaboration, discussion, and outreach. Students will have the opportunity to work with existing businesses and will apply their creative methods to propose ways of reducing their business’ expenses. Their findings will then be formatted into a power point presentation and presented to the business.



Elective mathematics at the Senior High School level deals with reasoning by analogies, making judgments through discrimination of values, analysis of data, and communication of one’s thoughts through symbolic expression and graphs.It builds on the Core Mathematics curriculum. It is a requirement as foundation for those who would wish to embark on professional studies in engineering, scientific research, and a number of studies in tertiary and other institutions of higher learning. It covers contents such as Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Vectors and Mechanics, Logic, Trigonometry, Calculus, Matrices and Transformation, and Statistics and Probability. This course will help students to improve their analytical and critical thinking skills, develop mathematical abilities useful in commerce, trade and public service and make competent use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in problem solving and investigation of real life situations.