Visual Arts


To broaden students’ knowledge in art in West Africa (Ghana), the education service has added all the visual arts courses to the education curriculum to predispose the senior high school students to love and appreciate the cultural and aesthetic values of Ghanaian Arts. This in return would help to develop patriotism, national pride and self-esteem in students.

Pan African Global Academy SHS, has selected the various art subjects (General knowledge in art, Graphic design and leather work) to help young people in the community to develop their skills and capabilities so that they can contribute significantly to the development, preservation, promotion of Ghanaian art forms and become self-employed through their education and training.



By the end of the four years in GKA, students will have knowledge in Art History, Art Appreciation, and General Art Concepts. The units will range from studies of art from around the world to applying the concepts to drawing and lettering. Within chapter five and six, students specifically look at African and Ghanaian art. The course ends with students learning the entrepreneurial skills necessary to become a successful artisan.



Within Graphic Design, students will learn various skills in lettering, drawing, PaperCraft, typography, book design, and communication design all while focusing on key design processes and tactics.



Within leatherwork students will learn the history of this craft and its uses. They will then get hands on experiential learning by being able to work with leather and create projects of their own.



Economics is a core class that is taken across all disciplines and is taken all four years. In the first year, this course will cover the basic economic concepts as well as focus on students gaining a knowledge on demand and the pattern it follows considering price, quantity demanded and other related factors. Major topics include the concepts of economics, scope of economic activity, tools of economic analysis, factors of production, population, business organizations, economic systems and their functions, unemployment and underemployment and theory of demand. During the second year, students will concentrate on the price theory of supply, prices of factors of production, theory of production, the theory of cost, theory of the firm, how to distribute, and the theory of consumer behavior as well as national income. At the end of this year students would have fair knowledge on things to consider in production. In the third year, more light will be thrown on the concept of national income as well as the concept of economic growth and development, agriculture, industrialization, stability of income and employment, international trade and economic development, economic co-operation, money and banking and public finance. At the end of this year students will have gained knowledge on activities that promote economic development, growth and stability. In the final year, the curriculum is based on economic development planning and contemporary economic issues. At the end of the four-year curriculum students would have acquire the relevant knowledge needed to be deemed proficient in Senior High School economics.